Anatomy Mathieu Vaillancourt Anatomy Mathieu Vaillancourt

Planes of the face based on the Andrew Loomis method

Andrew Loomis Planes of the head

The lack of angles in Andrew Loomis' books doesn't help people who like to draw understand better. So I decided to buy 3D models inspired by his explanatory drawings and I traced the renderings by hand.

If you draw and struggle with head shots, feel free to save these images and share them on the internet. I hope they help you as much as they help me draw the lights and shadows of the human head better.

basic Planes of the head by Andrew Loomis
Advance Planes of the head by Andrew Loomis


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Blog of temporary creative madness

here lie my devotions and thoughts on my little artistic universe. This dungeon is often abandoned, please excuse the spider webs and dust.

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